_the intangible matrix theoretical-practical research
between contemporary and technological graphics
_ disciplines
_development and implementation
the intangible matrix
In 2004, a line of research is established with the project "The Intangible Matrix" to focus on dissemination of contemporary graphics and its relationship with artistic practice, wherein art and technology interact from a theoretical-conceptual approach
_ the origin
In the first half of 2004, the dx5 group organised a seminar on graphics within the framework of all activities, meetings and conferences held under the ARTEC project (under the EC INTERREG initiative for the development of cross-border areas in Spain and Portugal).
On the occasion of this event, and to accommodate both the conceptual approaches and the plastic results derived from it, the book "La matriz intangible. Inter(medios) [The Intangible Matrix Inter(media)]" is born. It reflects upon the relationship between contemporary graphics and technology from a theoretical-practical perspective, and is the first publication of the dx5 group.
The project "The Intangible Matrix" opens up a research line focused on dissemination of contemporary graphics from a theoretical-conceptual approach and its relationship with artistic practice wherein art and technology interact.

- The original-multiple in the contemporary era, digitality and incision. Image semantics and semiotics.
- Image aesthetics and epistemology.
- The footprint of the invisible: Collective art and shared authorship. Infographics: Mnemonics and communication.

Union of opposites: Presence-absence, shape-countershape, positive-negative. This project presents and describes aspects, ideas and concepts that belong to the modus operandi of the creation of engraved work using present day means and the paradigm shift currently experienced by graphics, with printing systems without physical matrix, where concepts of authorship, multiplicity or digitality are questioned