_lo que el pelo dice de nosotras

_ subject matter

Contemporary art

_ specialty

Art history

Lo que el pelo dice de nosotras

"Lo que el pelo dice de nosotras" The hair is a multiple symbolic element, opened, flexible and atemporal whose significations adapt to the social and cultural variations of the same way that does it the human being, when being east an element that #be it to me inherent part of the even. In spite of this capacity that allows him adapted the different circumstances, the hair no renews simbólicamente by complete. It IS to say, the distinct symbolisms and significations associated it this element (second the form, the colour, the length etc.)/ Etc.) They remain active in senior or low measure, at the same time that they purchase new derivative associations of the new context. This book is a reflection envelope the symbolic potential of the hair and his use how material speculative in the art. It interests especially his capacity to generate new artistic languages, cultural and social buildings, as well as methods discursivos, no only in the plastic contemporary, but in other cultural fields and intellectuals how can be the antropoloxía, the sociology, the feminism or the design.

_ origin

What hair says about us arises from the adaptation of the doctoral thesis defended at the University of Vigo in December 2021 by Dr. Nuria Bouzas Loureiro and directed by Dr. Susana Cendán. It is composed of two parts, the first one is the result of Cendán's publications on this subject, and the second one shows an adapted extract of this thesis. Entitled El pelo como elemento de especulación artística en la creación contemporánea (Hair as an element of artistic speculation in contemporary creation), it obtained the qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude.
In 2022 the book is published with the support of the research group dx5 and Dardo.
Funding Agency: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Axudas do Programa de Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas.
Modality: Competitive Reference Groups.

- the concept

During the Victorian era, and especially since pre-Raphaelite times, hair has had a greater importance and relevance both in social and personal life and in the many artistic manifestations that took place, especially pictorial and literary. The use of long hair to mark the sexual dimension of the woman represented and reinforce her condition as a dangerous woman, the selection of a reddish shade of hair as a symbol of lust and sin and the representation of women with golden hair as a symbol of purity and chastity, resurface at a time when women were acquiring greater freedom in the social and economic sphere. While in the nineteenth century the elaboration of jewelry made with hair responded to a cultural and sentimental need, the intrusion of this element in art allows the creation of works that, taking as a starting point the romantic conception of the memory associated with hair, retake this type of practices to establish a dialogue between past concepts - treating them as relics - and current ones, with the aim of reflecting on the human condition and the world that surrounds it.

«female hair, a symbol of eroticism and danger, acquires new connotations when it is located in areas more typical of the male body than of the female, and provokes a displacement of women towards a theriomorphic-monstrous sphere.» Orsanic

«Hairy Women. La imagen de la puella pilosa como signo de monstruosidad femenina en fuentes medievales y renacentistas, y su proyección en los siglos posteriores" "(...) en el hombre la pérdida de vello facial no influye en su masculinidad, mientras que esta alteración estética en la mujer la sitúa en un estado de ambigüedad que la aleja de las convicciones socialmente aceptadas como femeninas". Nuria Bouzas «Maculino-Femenino. Implicaciones de la abundancia de pelo en la percepción de género»

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