_mapas invisibles
para una gráfica electrónica (de la huella incisa al grabado con luz)
_ subject
_ speciality
Electronic print. Laser
[invisible maps
for an electronic print
(from carbon printing to light engraving)]
"Mapas invisibles para una gráfica electrónica (de la huella incisa al grabado con luz)" aims to reflect the concepts and steps that traditional engraving has undergone from the compendium of systems and techniques that physically chip and print using pressure, to what we today call intangible matrices, i.e., to draw with incident light.
_the book
The book attempts to provide a modest and informative contribution to an interesting change phenomenon that has occurred and is taking place with this art, where physical matrices have been replaced by algorithmic ones reflected on an electronic screen and where oily inks have been replaced with sophisticated injected or thermofused emulsions.
However, we do not wish to give the impression that our interest is directed only towards the technical part, the mechanical sophistication, and details of the already famous "engraving kitchen". One of our proposals is not to use the printing recipe used until now but rather use the multiple image through electronic matrix or IMME.