Del cuadro flotante
a la viñeta japonesa

_ subject

Art and Comics

_ speciality

Japanese Manga culture

From the floating picture to the Japanese comic]

"Manga, del cuadro flotante a la viñeta japonesa" is an extensive monograph on Japanese manga, with special focus on the sociological context. Throughout its 600 pages, it covers not only the morphology, syntax and categorisation of manga, but also its historical journey, its capacity to influence and impact Japanese society and its intertwining in other cultural manifestations, as well as its important market value around the world. This book is the result of profound research and will satisfy both the most experienced researcher and the enthusiastic neophyte.

_the origin

Manga is the most important cultural manifestation in Japan. This importance can only be understood as a logical consequence of its omnipresence in all facets of daily life and work, both because of the enormous volume of business it represents, and because of its ability to permeate other media: cinema, television, literature, advertising, education, design or fashion. Extremely disparate manifestations, from different cultural backgrounds, join the manga in an unequal symbiosis to reach people. One of the great potentials and values of manga lies in this transfer: its ability to influence select manifestations because it is a popular and hugely diverse medium.

Why is manga so successful? Perhaps part of the success lies in its Japanese specificity, in its ability to combine, without losing identity, something genuinely Japanese with an increasingly stateless feeling. Manga is a medium that not only looks inward –deep into the historical and cultural tradition of Japan– but also outward. At the artistic level, Japan has always been recognised for its traditional Ukiyo-e paintings and woodblock prints, haiku poetry, martial arts, ceramics or Zen philosophy. In the last 50 years, the banner of Japanese artistic manifestations has fallen on the shoulders of its architecture, a reflection of the symbiosis that exists between the old and new, in design, fashion or gardens, often seen in national art publications. Literature and films have also, perhaps to a lesser extent, been recognised inside and outside Japan since both expression media are quite popular. However, during these very same decades, manga, which is undoubtedly its number one manifestation, and perhaps nowadays considered as "the Japanese medium par excellence", has always been ignored in this unique cultural ranking.
In the strictest sense, manga is the term used to describe comic in Japan. However, as evidenced in the research contained in this publication, this definition is very short and only superficially represents the true dimension of the reality to which it refers.

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