_la matriz intangible inter(medios)
gráfica contemporánea de campo expandido
_ subject
[intangible matrix inter(media)
the contemporary expanded field graphics]
This project presents and describes aspects, ideas and concepts that belong to the modus operandi of the creation of engraved work using present day means and the paradigm shift currently experienced by graphics, with printing systems without physical matrix, where concepts of authorship, multiplicity or digitality are questioned.
_the book
The book "La matriz intangible" focusses on the dissemination of contemporary graphics from a theoretical-practical approach wherein art and technology interact. It is based on the most creative aspects related to research and evolution in this field, where the most technological aspect has been focussed on understanding the printing and etching phenomena, which, although methodically distanced from the traditional ones, are highly developed in the field of industrial graphic techniques. However, this adoption of electronic media has not been random but has resulted from a coherent and well-planned path of contemporary aesthetic ideas and the need for expression of today's artists who have seen how new solutions create different languages and ways of understanding graphic art today.
_the origin
This book is part of a series of events, organised throughout May and June 2004, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra under the program ARTECH.
This project was linked to the use of electronic technologies and applications for art generation and practices.
On the one hand, lectures were offered with national and international experts and invited professors who shared practical experiences and theoretical developments in Art, Science and Technology.

It should be noted that this very rapid change that took place in the graphics paradigm in just fifteen years, has been going on since the invention of the Calotype by Fox Talbot in the 19th century, and yet it has needed great accessibility to these current means in order to be able to develop fully. The controversy and lack of acceptance by some contrasts with the enthusiasm of others who have seen the technology as a means of expression of ideas, forms and sensitivities unthinkable in other times. In this way it is interesting to highlight how the use and application of the "not" so new technologies provide an interesting focus on freedom and interbreeding of media which approach the graphics world from other aspects such as philosophy, cinema, the massive art of the Internet, group art, the interactivity of cross-border creations, etc.