• 2024
  • During the months of May and June 2024, the dx5 group presents the VIII International Forum on Creation at the Border: The Multiple that occupies the space”,a global multi-site project that aims to create a reflective space around the concept of the multiple and the expanded graphics. Divided into 5 branches, the Forum brings together different exhibition formats and a series of conferences under the titles: Synergies, Symbiosis, Germinal, Interferences and Resonances. It has been developed in cooperation with the RAC Foundation, the Professor Manuel Moldes University Exhibition Hall , the Vice-rectorate of the Pontevedra Campus and the School of Fine Arts of the University of Vigo. Technical coordination by Vaciocero.

  • 2023
  • From 23 to 26 November 2023 the Dx5 group attended the FIG International Printmaking Fair at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao with an exhibition proposal entitled “White on White” conceived as a site-specific work in which the members of the research group Ana Soler, Anne Heyvaert, Almudena Fernández Fariña, José A. Santiago, Antía Iglesias and Carlos Fer took part. In addition, on the 23rd, a conference was held to reflect on the conceptual and formal frontiers of contemporary graphic art, as well as the presentation of the group’s latest publication “White book: Liminal Spaces of Contemporary Graphic Art”

  • On 2 October 2023, the 10th Meeting of Graphic Interaction, ‘The multiple that occupies space: Inhabiting the public’ was held, organised by the Dx5 Group and coordinated by Antía Iglesias and Carlos Fer. The three invited artists and researchers were: Sabrina Fernández Casas, former student of the Faculty of Fine Arts and resident in Geneva, Switzerland; Ampparito, urban artist resident in Madrid, Spain and Paz de la Calzada, artist resident in San Francisco, USA. The lectures and the debate, moderated by Carlos Fer, took place in the Space 16 of the Faculty of Fine Arts.

  • On 27 September 2023, the 9th Meeting of Graphic Interaction took place, organised by the Dx5 Group and coordinated by Ana Soler. The researcher Analía Segal, from the School of Art of the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, visited the Faculty of Fine Arts and made a presentation of her work and career. The symposium, located in A casa das Campás, on the Pontevedra campus, brought together the creative process of the artist and her relationship with expanded graphic art.

  • On the 15th of September 2023, the Dx5 group held the VIII Meeting of Graphic Interaction. The presentation and symposium coordinated by José Andrés Santiago took place in the Space 16 of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Vigo. In this event the Spanish version of the book Estudios de anime: Aproximaciones a Neon Genesis Evangelion desde una perspectiva de medios was presented with the intervention of several authors of the book and those responsible for the project: Oscar García Aranda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Zoltan Kacsuk (Stuttgart Media University), Magnus Pfeffer (Stuttgart Media University), Alba Torrents (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and the members of the group José Andrés Santiago and Ana Soler

  • The dx5 group held on 28 February 2023 the VII Meeting of Graphic interaction ‘The metaphor of the skin: on the design process’. Coordinated by Ana Soler Baena and Lola Dopico, the master class given by the artist Andrea Saltzman, took place in the Cube 1 Space at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra, University of Vigo. As a collaboration between the Master of Design and Creative Direction in Fashion and the Drawing Department of Fine Arts, the event was developed seeking to deepen the body relationship between skin and fabric.

  • On 27 February 2023, the dx5 group held the VI Meeting on Graphic Interaction The Multiple that Occupies Space: Multiple Art and Installation with Carles Méndez, coordinated by Ana Soler Baena and Anne Heyvaert, the meeting of researchers took place in the Research Space of the Drawing Department, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra, University of Vigo. Carles Méndez, as guest speaker, delved into the complexity, displacement and expansion of contemporary graphics.

  • The dx5 group publishes the Spanish edition of Anime Studies: Approximations to Neon Genesis Evangelion from a media perspective edited by Satori Ediciones and coordinated by José Andrés Santiago Iglesias and Ana Soler Baena. The publication is available for sale in bookstores in Spain and through Satori publishing house.

  • 2022
  • On 20 June 2022, the dx5 group received a visit from the researcher and creator Enrique Leal, from the University of Santa Cruz in California. In the Dx5 group’s space in the Drawing department, the artist gave a tour and introduction to his artistic work. The 5th Meeting of Graphic Interaction, led by Leal, delves into the artist’s latest creations in the world of (expanded) graphics.

  • On 24 October 2022, the dx5 held another of the Meetings of graphic interaction The multiple that occupies space: Multiple art and installations, in Pontevedra, A Casa das Campás. Coordinated by Ana Soler Baena and Anne Heyvaert. Vanesa Gallardo from the University of Salamanca, Elena Jiménez, multidisciplinary artist, Anne Heyvaert, Almudena Fernández Fariña and Sara Coleman from the University of Vigo.
    In parallel, the exhibition Primum movens, with works by Marco Moreira and curated by Anne Heyvaert, will be held at the Fundación RAC, Pontevedra, from 21 October to 04 November 2022.

  • The dx5 celebrates the IV International Forum of Creation at the Border Manga in a postdigital environment, on 30-31 May 2022 in Pontevedra, Casa das Campás. Coordinated by José Andrés Santiago Iglesias. The list of participants includes international researchers from institutions such as: Stockholm University, Beykoz University, Yokote Masuda Manga Museum, HU University of Applied Science Utrecht or Sttutgart Media University among others.


  • 2021
  • The dx5 group publishes the book Anime Studies: Media-Specific Approaches to Neon Genesis, edited by Stockholm University Press and coordinated by José Andrés Santiago Iglesias and Ana Soler Baena. This is the second volume in the collection Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan, coordinated by Jaqueline Brendt. The full publication is available in English, in open-access format, so it can be downloaded in different formats free of charge from the Stockholm University Press website.

  • 2020
  • The dx5 research group and the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra organised the photogravure seminar “A imaxe transferida”. The seminar took place on 11, 12 and 13 March and was attended by Juan Lara, director of Ogami Press, centre for experimentation in contemporary graphic techniques.

  • 2019
  • Organisation of the 7th edition of the Mutual Images International Workshop “Painting East: Artistic Relations Between Japan and the World [Artists, Aesthetics, Artworks]” in collaboration with the Mutual Images Research Association. It analyses the influences between Japan and Europe from different perspectives and fields of study.

  • Organisation of the 5th International Forum on Creation at the Border, an academic symposium entitled “Anime. An interdisciplinary perspective”, with presence of international experts in analysing animetic theories from the disciplines of Fine Arts, Aesthetics, Art History, Sociology, Narratology, Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature.

  • 2018
  • The research group participated with a specific panel in the conferences held at IMPACT 10 Meeting, the 10th edition of the International Multidisciplinary Printmaking Conference organised by the University of the West of England and held in the city of Santander, Spain, from 1-9 September, 2018.

  • It published the book “De la Imagen al Papel. Hacia la impresión perfecta (From Image to Paper. Towards Perfect Printing)”, authored by Juan Adrio and Kako Castro, in collaboration with the Chilean publishing house (e)ikon and the iViCON Foundation for the Study of Contemporary Image and Visuality.

  • The 5th edition of Graphical Interaction (Meetings) entitled “De la Imagen al papel (From Image to Paper)” was held at Space Lab_in Vigo and included several talks on Ultraphotography, Colour Management, Narrative Graphics and Conscious Design.

  • 2017
  • A collective artist’s book is published as a result of the graphical interaction project “El pliego / Le pli / A folder”, drawn from the idea of its base module: The folder brings together a selection of 189 artists, students and teachers linked by graphic art publishing studios and research groups from 17 universities and training centres in Europe, America and Asia.

  • The research project entitled “Exploring new graphic territories from an interdisciplinary perspective. Expanded field comic, artist’s hyperbook and contemporary animetic theories”, was a three-year project funded under competitive aid from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The main objective of the project was to provide a sound theoretical and conceptual framework for the Spanish comic field.

  • 2016
  • The dx5 group organised the III International Meeting of Graphical Interaction and Publishing, entitled “El pliego / Le pli / A folder”. This provided continuity to previous graphical interaction projects: “La Miniatura” (2010-12) and “Comptines, Rimas por el mundo (Rhymes for the World)” (2014-15).

  • 2015
  • The book “Multiple[x], Complejidad y Sostenibilidad (Multiple[x], Complexity and Sustainability)”, an eclectic publication containing the main conclusions of the research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, was published. It reflects on the notion of complexity as a sustainable research and production methodology in contemporary multiple art.

  • The dx5 group organised a triple international symposium in Pontevedra, the first event being the workshop entitled “Multiple[x] Arte y Sostenibilidad. Estéticas Complejas e imágenes técnicas (Multiple[x] Art and Sustainability. Complex Aesthetics and technical images)”, with collaboration from Guillermo Yáñez Tapia and Denise Najmanovich.

  • The Third International Forum of Creation at the Border entitled “Multiple[x] Complejidad y Sostenibilidad. Interacción Social y Gestión Responsable (Multiple[x] Art and Sustainability. Social Interaction and Responsible Management”, was held wherein speakers like David Barro and Boa Mistura spoke about themes such as the transforming capacity of art in social and public space.

  • The third symposium organised around the “Multiple[x] Complexity and Sustainability” project was concluded. Under the heading “Production and Collectionism”, the 4th International Forum of Creation at the Border organised by the dx5 group with participants José María de Francisco Guinea and Javier Duero debating about collection, production of knowledge, and transformation in producing, distributing and consuming culture.

  • 2014
  • The II International Forum of Creation at the Border, organised by the dx5 group, was held in Pontevedra, entitled “Complexity as a methodology. From the artist’s book to new forms of multiple art”, with speakers Javier Tudela, Leszek Brogowski, Anne Heyvaert, Kako Castro, Eloy Puig and Alberto Valverde.

  • The digital version in interactive e-book format of “Ánodo-Cátodo, microcosmos de la gráfica. La memoria química esculpida por electrones (Anode-Cathode, microcosm of graphics. The chemical memory sculpted by electrons)”, was completed and released.

  • 2013
  • The book “Ánodo-Cátodo. Electrolísis y Galvanografía. La Memoria Química Esculpida por Electrones (Anode-Cathode. Electrolysis and Galvanography. The Chemical Memory Sculpted by Electrons)” was published thanks to project funding by the Ministry of Innovation and Industry (under the Xunta de Galicia’s INCITE program). It contains the conclusions and scientific achievements of the research project on the use of matrix generation systems using electrographic and electroplating techniques.

  • dx5 group members held a round table session to discuss the situation of contemporary expanded field graphics within the space Intermediæ, at the Estampa Multiple Art exhibition. The Portfolio «Critical Mass» commissioned by Richard Noyce was presented. Participants included Alicia Candiani, Richard Noyce, Isabel Elorrieta, Alfonso Crujera, Kako Castro, Ana Soler, Anne Heyvaert and José Andrés Santiago.

  • The editorial project “The Print Factory II. El Espacio del Libro (The Book Space)” was presented at the Ars Santa Monica (Barcelona), within the framework of the Art Libris Fair. The presentation was accompanied by a round table session and debate on the current state of graphics and the possibilities of the artist’s book as a contemporary medium.

  • The Seminar by Ana Soler entitled “Expanded Field Graphics” was held at the BilbaoArte Foundation.

  • The dx5 group participated in the 2013 Educational Innovation Conferences held on December 16 and 17, organised by the University of Vigo through the Vice-rectorate of Student Affairs, Teaching and Quality, to promote exchange of innovative experiences among university faculty.

  • “The Print Factory II. El Espacio del Libro (The Book Space)”, the second volume of the editorial and research line was put on sale, and on this occasion gathered works of artists and students from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra in the artist’s book or book-art format.

  • 2012
  • Exhibition of the project “Originality in Copy Culture”, during June and July 2012 at the Chiayi Cultural and Creative Industries Park, an exhibition space coordinated by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan.

  • 2011
  • Organisation of the First International Forum on Multiple Art. International Estampa Multiple Art Fair. Event organised by the dx5 group, at the invitation of the Management of Estampa Múltiple Art and in collaboration with the IAC (Institute of Contemporary Art, Madrid) and Telefónica Foundation.

  • Presentation of the book “On Minded Prints. Gráfica Contemporánea de Campo Expandido (Contemporary Expanded Field Graphics)”, coordinated by the dx5 group and published by Comanegra publishing house. It displays a selection of 86 Spanish artists of international prestige, the best representatives in contemporary expanded field graphics. The artists were selected in collaboration with five top-level Spanish commissioners (Javier Blas, Rafael Doctor, Ivan de la Torre, Miguel Cereceda and Santi Eraso).

  • Participation of the dx5 group in a series of lectures and presentation of the book “Manga. Del Cuadro Flotante a la Viñeta Japonesa (Manga. From the Floating Picture to the Japanese Comic)” in Madrid, in an event organised by Asia House.

  • FRAMEWORK agreement for collaboration signed between the dx5 Research Group of the University of Vigo and Estampa Multiple Art.

  • Organisation in Pontevedra of the 1st edition of the Graphical Interaction Meetings entitled “Originality in Copy Culture”. A series of lectures organised by the dx5 group at the Faculty of Fine Arts, in collaboration with Carles Méndez Llopis and Hortensia Mínguez García, lead researchers from the research group CA Contemporary Graphics, of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua, Mexico).

  • 2010
  • The book “Manga. From the Floating Picture to the Japanese Comic”, written by José Andrés Santiago and published by Comanegra, is available for sale. This monograph deals with manga and its socio-cultural and economic impact in the Western world..

  • The dx5 research group travelled to Barcelona to present the book “Manga. From the Floating Picture to the Japanese Comic” and participate with several presentations in the lecture series at the XVI Manga Fair in Barcelona, in collaboration with FICOMIC and Asia House.

  • The first conference entitled “Arte y Diseño. Entre la Función y el Sentido. Creación en la Frontera (Art & Design. Between Function and Meaning. Creation at the Border)” is held in Pontevedra, a series of international lectures organised by the dx5 group at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra, with presence of national and international speakers, among which were the designers Jan Mast and René Veenhuizen.

  • A small monograph is published entitled “At the edge. Creación en la frontera (Creation at the border)” that puts together the main findings and conclusions of the Art and Design Conferences.

  • Presentation of the books “Printmaking Beyond the Edge” and “Critical Mass”, together with a presentation by the author — Richard Noyce — a critic specialised in contemporary graphics (Wales, Great Britain).

  • Publication of the book “De la huella a lo numérico (From Footprint to Numerical)”. De l’empreinte au numérique’, in collaboration with the ARC Princeps of the A École Superieure de L’Imaxe de Angôuleme (Poitiers, France). “From Footprint to Numerical” is a publication that relates various visual proposals of students, former students, lecturers and invited artists from the two participating schools, in order to reflect on the theoretical-conceptual and artistic-practical possibilities of contemporary graphics in the Franco-Spanish context.

  • 2009
  • The dx5 group launches the digital magazine “On Minded Prints”, which covers the homepage of the group’s website and claims to be a space for research, dissemination and opinion articles on the world of contemporary expanded field graphics.

  • The book “The Print Factory I”, published by Comanegra, is available for sale and includes Spanish graphic artists of proven prestige, trained at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra.

  • 2008
  • Launch of the dx5 group’s website – digital & graphic art_research!

  • The book “A Ding in Japan” is published by Comanegra. “A Ding in Japan” is the fruit of the different research stays of three dx5 members in Japan between 2003 and 2008. It is a singular mosaic of fragments of the day-to-day contemporary reality in Japanese society with highlights under the distinctive mark of each of the authors.

  • The dx5 research group participates with a specific panel on Japan and pop culture in the lecture series entitled “Other visions of Japan”, organised by the MACUF (Union Fenosa Museum of Contemporary Art) in A Coruña.

  • Visit, workshop and conference by the artist Jordi Boldo and by representatives from the Mexican Rojo Urbiola Foundation in Spain.

  • A workshop and conference was held with the artist Moo Chew Wong, a specialist in contemporary painting and graphics, and an engraving lecturer at Villa Arson (Nice, France).

  • 2007
  • Publication of the book “Mapas Invisibles para una gráfica electrónica. De la huella incisa al grabado con luz (Invisible maps for an electronic picture. From carbon printing to light engraving)”, signed by Kako Castro and edited by Comanegra.

  • Performance of the first test of the project “OUT-PUT PRE-PRINT IMAGE INTERFACE”, a hardware/software system that enables ink consumption control and management through wallet card, in a large format digital printer. This, in turn, permits cost adjustment to pixels and colours, hence, in the prepress stage, i.e., before printing, each person knows the exact ink consumption in millilitres of a certain image. The collaborating partners in this research project are the dx5 group, INEDIT, the University of Vigo and BSCH.

  • 2006
  • Publication of the book “Impresión Piezoeléctrica. La Estampa Inyectada. Algunas Reflexiones en torno a la Gráfica Digital (The Piezoelectric print. The Injected Picture. Some Reflections on Digital Graphics)”, published in collaboration with EPSON Ibérica S.A.U., and presented within the framework of the Estampa’06 Fair.

  • All dx5 members and a selection of international artists specialised in the use of graphic techniques participated in a group exhibition at stand B20 [EPSON-dx5] in Estampa’06, the International Contemporary Art Engraving and Publishing Fair in Madrid.

  • A panel with the main findings of the piezoelectric printing project was presented at the Estampa’06 lecture series held in the Glass Pavilion of the Casa de Campo (Madrid).

  • The first field tests initiated on a new project focussed on non-toxic engraving that seeks to adapt photopolymers and diazos for the production of matrices using non-toxic procedures, i.e. without the need for mordant acid dyes.

  • The dx5 group is certified by Epson as the first research space with the Digigraphie® certification.

  • 2005
  • Signature of the research contract between the dx5 group and EPSON Ibérica S.A.U., entitled “Application of Epson large format printers to fine art graphics”. Co-financed by EPSON and the University of Vigo, under reference CO-12705, this project focused on researching digital printing systems using large format plotters, equipped with micro-piezoelectric print head technology, for on demand injection and variable drip, to print on traditional fine arts media and new paper designed for these printers.

  • The first tests begin for adapting an industrial cutting and abrasion laser to etch plaques and matrices using bitmap images, rather than the vector paths common to these devices.

  • A three-day course entitled “Eastern Engraving and Ukiyo-e” was held at the graphics studio of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra, with artist and guest researcher Chang-Chia-Yu, professor in the Department of Fine Arts of the National Chiayi University of Taiwan.

  • 2004
  • The dx5 -digital & graphic art_research group was born and began working under the research line “Applications of new technologies to engraving and printing for artistic purposes”.

  • The first funded project is implemented, which consists of audiovisual recordings on the use of traditional techniques in teaching engraving and printing in Fine Arts. Four ninety-minute videos destined for the Faculty of Fine Arts library consultation archives were published with subtitled information to facilitate understanding of the techniques used (headings with text explanations, drawings, fixed photo, microscopic analysis, etc.).

  • Publication and official presentation of the book “Inter(medios)_La Matriz Intangible (Inter(media)_The Intangible Matrix)”, as part of the larger ARTECH 2004 project, in which different research groups from several associated centres collaborated. ARTECH 2004 is an EC initiative within the INTERREG plan, for the development of border areas between Spain and Portugal, which is subsidised by the European Union.

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